You can name a bin after your ex in time for Valentine’s Day

Sorry to all Craigs (Picture: BusinessWaste/

Still stewing over a seriously rubbish relationship?

Here’s a way to get out your rage – and just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Much like the offers to name a cockroach after an pesky ex in years gone by, a waste management company is giving people the chance to honour their past dates in the form of a refuse bin.

Yep, you can now get a bin named after your ex, with their name printed on the plastic for all to see.

The ‘gift’ is totally free, and all you have to do is choose the size of your bin and enter a name of your choice on the online form.

We guess you could actually do this as a romantic gesture for any litter fans, but the company is emphasising the bin naming system as a good way of getting over a breakup.

Mark Hall, co-founder of said: ‘We are offering the chance to name a bin in honour of your ex on this special day of love.

There are 50,000 bins ready to be named (Picture: BusinessWaste)

‘We hope that naming your ex after some trash will help to put them behind you once and for all.’

There are 50,000 bins available to be named, so plenty of room for all the bitter breakups, and those booked in will be dotted around the UK and used for commercial business waste (think rubbish from restaurants, bars, and offices).

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If you make a special request, you can also be sent a picture of the bin and its location, in case you want to visit.

If you want something you can see at all hours, you can always just scrawl your ex’s name on your own bin at home.

Or, alternatively, you could skip all of this and just move on. You took out the trash for a reason – stop letting a past relationship stink up your surroundings.

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