Leaha expects to be provided for by her partner (Picture: Courtesy Leah Moilanen/SWNS)
A woman has shared her strict rules for dating to become a ‘stay-at-home girlfriend’ – which include never paying for a meal, never pouring your own wine, and avoiding anyone who underdresses.
Leaha Ureel, 22, broke up with her partner, Alan Ureel, 23, after realising she wanted to be a housewife and be provided for.
After a couple of months on a break, Alan, a contractor, ‘stepped up to her standards’ and the pair are now married.
Leaha has strict demands for their dates, such as expecting her chair to be pulled out for her, her wine to be poured, and for the bill to always be covered by her other half.
She’s now been sharing some ‘red flags’ women should look for if they’re after a provider in a relationship, with commenting on prices and not tipping waiting staff topping the list.
Leaha, from Sterling heights, Michigan, US, said: ‘Alan and I first met when we were young, and I then realised that I wanted to be provided for.
‘He stepped up – now he arranges and takes me for dates at least twice a week. He always pays and pulls my chair out for me.’
Although Leaha and Alan broke up due to him not being able to support them both at the time, they’re now happily married (Picture: Courtesy Leah Moilanen/SWNS)
As for Leaha’s side of the bargain, she regularly cooks and says she ‘loves being a housewife’.
She added: ‘I want others to know that it is OK to aspire to have this lifestyle.
‘It’s like being a stay-at-home mum – just without the kids.’
We imagine Alan paid for this meal and poured that wine (Picture: Courtesy Leah Moilanen/SWNS)
Leaha realised she didn’t want to spend her life working after finishing college and picking up a job as a waitress at a restaurant.
‘I wanted time for myself and to have someone to provide for me,’ Leaha said.
‘Alan wasn’t able to provide for me at that point so we broke up. But a couple of months later we got back together, and he promised to provide for me.’
Alan runs a home renovation business, which helps him support Leaha’s housewife dreams (Picture: Courtesy Leah Moilanen/SWNS)
Alan set up a home renovation business to be able to support Leah and give her the lifestyle she desired.
‘Now I go for walks with the dogs and spend lots of my time cooking,’ she said. ‘We get to travel and Alan is flexible with his work so we can go for coffee during the day.’
Now happily married, she loves all the chivalrous acts her husband does for her, preferring him to take the initiative when it comes to romance.
The 23-year-old wants other women to feel confident in choosing a stay-at-home lifestyle (Picture: Courtesy Leah Moilanen/SWNS)
Leaha said: ‘He always gets doors for me, or pours my wine or pulls my chair out. He does it without asking. He’s a real gentleman.’
In terms of her advice to others looking for a similar lifestyle, she says that you have to expect a certain set of standards – and not be afraid to stick to your guns.
‘I don’t think there should be shame over wanting to be a stay-at-home girlfriend or wife,’ she said. ‘It’s your life so you choose how you would like to live it.’
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Leaha added: ‘I’m married now but I wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t pay the bill or pour the wine.
‘It’s a red flag if they don’t tip the waitress or if they underdress. I also think it’s bad if they reschedule last minute or comment on prices.
‘I’m not ashamed to be a stay-at-home wife.’
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